The New Covenant – 2016.09.01

The New Covenant – 2016.09.01

Jesus took the cup and said:
This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you.
Luke 22, 20
The Old Covenant was not good. It showed people just how far they were from God and how much they are sinners. It was not possible for us humans to keep this covenant of law. Therefore God has instituted a New Covenant. He even has made it himself and signed it with the blood of Jesus. He has made it for us so that we can be saved in this way.
Today still many people and churches try to be reach God through laws, rules, rituals and sacred mediators. But the Bible clearly says: either by the covenant of law, the old covenant, or the new covenant of grace. Whoever begins and gives himself only one commandment which he must obey will fall from grace; – either … or.
Nearby is a community, nothing bad, but if you want to become a member, one has to sign: No alcohol, no smoking, one must be married (to each other), you have to give the tithe of income and you have to honor the leadership. These five things MUST you do or leave. Since grace is not listed, only bids. Jesus way and the gospel is different. The Gospel is not a license for sin, but certainly not a law book with which we directed ourselves and others to.
The New Covenant is eternal, unchangeable. It is God’s outstretched hand. He has signed and waits to see if we sign also. He has signed with blood, as Jesus on the cross for our sin was the punishment. With what do we sign? He wants us to give Him our lives and no longer live for ourselves; – There are already enough egoists!
His covenant of grace says Jesus died for your sins, they is forgiven and forgotten. Bring them to the cross, and you will be redeemed. He has gone for us by death; we have His help if we must die, and He brings us His-bought children to heaven to God. He puts us the Holy Spirit into our heart so that we can live godly and are able to recognize the will of God. He gives joy, peace, freedom, courage, hope and everything we need. We only need to agree; – He did everything.
Thank you, Jesus!!!! You really are my redeemer! You did not spare yourself, but delivered so that I can live and can see God again. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, through you I come to the Father. Yes, Lord, I consent gladly and wholeheartedly in this new covenant!!
Bible Reading Today: Revelation 19: 1 – 21

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