The work of the spirit – 2020.01.23
But because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who cries, “Abba, Father!
Galatians 4, 6
When I started to believe, God was somehow far away. HE was my creator and also my judge. I had to be “good” to please Him. But I had no connection to God. Then I got to know Jesus. HE brought me forgiveness. But I could hardly believe that HE really had forgiven me. I was just too chaotic, too bad, too unholy. Every day I needed forgiveness again, every day from the beginning. Then I slowly let my head hang down, somehow I was tired of fighting and being “good”. I could not do it. And yet, the bible and that with Jesus, that must be true! I clung to Jesus, who forgave me again and again, but I didn’t get any further.
Then God sent the Spirit. He brought about in me what I could not believe: Forgiveness! That’s all there is to it. And the Holy Spirit accomplished what I couldn’t: I could cheerfully believe it.
And not only that: I suddenly knew that I was really a child of God, even a beloved child of God! And sin is gone, even if I still have to ask for forgiveness daily, but it does not rule me! And I knew exactly that if I should die, I would go to heaven! All this had not been really clear to me, I could not really believe it from my heart. But now it worked, because the spirit put it into my heart! Oh, how happy I was! I needed almost no more sleep for days, I was only happily laughing and singing and could not take anything seriously any more. People were already shaking their heads as if I was ripe for psychiatry. But it was divine joy.
And He also helped me to call God the Father, I could even say Dad. He was no longer a judge, but a father. How good our relationship has become there!
Yes, I thank the LORD that He gave me the spirit to say “Abba, Father”!
This certainty is given by the Spirit, that is why He is so important for us! Stick to the bible. In 1 Corinthians 14:1 it says that we must seek the Spirit diligently. For He has more for us!
Thanks for the Spirit, Jesus! HE is real life for me! HE does what I cannot do: Faith and love. Thank You, Jesus.