Workers in the Lord’s Vineyard – 2016.07.29

Workers in the Lord’s Vineyard – 2016.07.29

For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard. About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the market-place doing nothing. He told them: "You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right." So they went. He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing.
Matthew 20, 1-5

The landowner is our Heavenly Father. He is seeking workers for His vineyard that is the world, His harvesting field. He finds people who are willing to work for Him. Some are ready early in the mornings, others only at 9 o’clock, still others at 12 o’clock, or 3 o’clock. The last ones He finds shortly before the end of the day, at 5 o’clock. But He employs them also.
There is so much work on God’s fields. Full of sympathy God looks on His fields, yet He finds no one willing to work for Him. In this way a lot of fruit is lost on the fields.
God does not need us as His laborers. But He has decided to let people do His work, people like you and me.
We have received mercy upon mercy from the Lord. We have felt His love. And full of love and sacrifice many have given their life to the Lord. But then came the doubts. I am too big, or too small. I’m too young, or too old. I’m too thin, or too fat… I can hardly read or write or I have a doctor’s title. We know these doubts. We feel incapable and ill-equipped to do the Lord’s work. He has called us, but we have doubts. But remember, He keeps returning to the market to find people who will be willing to work for Him; – don’t postpone again, do not let yourself be held back by your doubts!
Do you know what the prerequisites are for becoming a laborer of God? No pride, no stubbornness, no bitterness of heart… To be small and weak before God is enough for Him. Then He can work through us. We need only be willing to trust God completely!
Last night I found a video that made this very clear. A man was rejected by his mother when he was only twelve. But he found his way to Christ because he was found by Christians. The suffering of children caused him endless grief and he started working with children in Brooklyn, New York. Today 30,000 children attend his bible studies, and he has 400 co-workers! A man who looks inconspicuous. What he says is nothing special. And yet God works powerfully through him. He has given his life to God and paid the price. (Perhaps this video can be found on YouTube under Bill Wilson or Jesusistome.
God asks: what do you want? Sofa and television, comfortable family and congregation show, or out into the adventure with Him?
Thank You, Jesus, I am neither too old nor too young, too incompetent! You want to use me and work through me. Yes, I want to go, regardless of the cost! Lord, send me!
Bible study for today: 1. John 3, 1-10

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