A Rich Man – 2015.07.13
Then Jesus called them to him and said: “Allow the children to come to me. Don’t forbid them, because God’s kingdom belongs to people like these children. I assure you that whoever doesn’t welcome God’s kingdom like a child will never enter it.”
Luke 18:16f
Shortly after, a rich young man came to Jesus and asked what he needed to do to win eternal life. Jesus told him that he must keep the commandments, and the man replied that he already obeys the rules. Now, Jesus said, You still lack one thing: Sell all that you have, distribute your money to the poor and you shall have a treasure in heaven. And then come and follow me. Now the man was sad because he was very, very rich. Jesus looked at him and said: "How hard is it for people who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!" So the people wondered: Who then can be saved?" Jesus answered: "What is impossible for men is possible for God. So Peter asked Him: "We have left everything behind and followed You." And Jesus said to him: "Amen, I say to you that every one who has left his house or land, brothers, parents or children for the kingdom of God, will receive a multiple of it here on earth and later in the world to come, eternal life.
Possession often prevents us from following Jesus. It is not always money. It may be our pride, our own good opinion of us, work, family, friends, just something we put higher than God. It always seduces us to make compromises and to follow Him not properly. That’s why such a person will never experience all the treasures of the kingdom of heaven. And people who have given up everything for the Lord are supplied by God with everything they need, and even much, much more. For us it is impossible, for the Heavenly Father it is not!
We want to be like children who have nothing as well. Just live from the love of God and do not hang on other securities and ownerships. HE is a heavenly Father who loves His children!
Thank you, Jesus, You left everything and came to us on the earth. We hang our hearts on many worthless things, just not on You! But we want to be like children who believe in the Heavenly Father. He will take care of us!!
Bible reading today: Luke 18, 18 – 43