A Strong Faith – 2015.01.26

A Strong Faith – 2015.01.26

Above all, carry the shield of faith so that you can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Ephesians 6:16

Our faith is it, what makes us win. We can not win the victory alone, but our Father in heaven never lets fall one of His children. He immediately rushes to help!
Sometimes I observed an almost naive faith of believers. They prayed for a parking space for their car – and got the best! They lost something and instead of searching, they prayed: Jesus, show me where it is! – And they found it. Despite illness, pain and many assaults they transmitted a heavenly peace. They simply knew that Jesus is right there to help and to carry through.
Thus, the enemy especially shoots at the believers, but the shield of faith can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. You cannot take them away from Jesus! And not only that: Under their shield others have place as well. With their intercession they protect others.
Faith makes it! So you might say. It makes a difference whether someone falls or stands. Whether someone is secure in Jesus or restlessness and worry rob Him the rest. Whether anyone fights for Jesus victoriously or sits on the couch. The first disciples were filled with faith and they said to them: Now the men are also in our city who have moved the whole world!
Sick get healthy, the Word of God and not human wisdom is preached, dead raise up, dark forces are expelled …. Jesus says, these are the signs of the Kingdom of God. Our faith makes it possible!
We have the strongest Lord on earth and in heaven. What should be impossible for Him? That’s why we want to be happy, bring Him praise, thank Him and rejoice, and enjoy this happy day today. He is here!
Thank you, Jesus, You give me an effective shield, namely, faith. You yourself plant it in my heart, like a sensitive little plant. I want to take care of it until it is big and strong. I want to trust You and You will never leave or forget me. With You I’m safe and secure!

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