A Washing Mashine – 2014.11.05

A Washing Mashine – 2014.11.05

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:12
We have a washing machine. There is an energy savings program forlightly soiled laundry and there is a more intensive program for really dirty laundry. The dirt is soaked long enough and repeatedly rinsed until the things are clean again. We decide which program is right and set it.
I imagine God looking at me, putting me into His washing machine and wondering which program is right for me. Is a soft program enough? HE wants me to be holy, pure, clean and like Him. I wonder to myself what I want and what program would be enough? And I realize how much I resist the intensive program for myself. Isn’t the gentle rinse just enough??
In comparison with the others, we see ourselves pretty good. Our relatives do a lot of mistakes and the neighbors are very bad and evil… If we consider it, we start to see it’s not right. But we still believe it. God Himself sees us as we are: evil, wicked and unjust. There is so much egoism, pride, lack of love and all kinds of sins hidden in our hearts! We do not want to look at it.
That is why God says: there is an energy savings program scheduled for Sunday Christians who do not take it seriously. A little care and polish is enough for them. For the really dirty laundry we need at least a super cleaning program! But that means soaking and rinsing. It’s a tough program for us! We do not like our sins and mistakes being exposed. And yet, God must bring it to light, in order to make us clean. Otherwise how could we stand before Holy God being so dirty? God goes even further. HE says: I will give you a new heart. A heart which I will live in.
HE loves us so much, because HE works with us a lot. And HE has a very, very good goal for us, citizens of His kingdom! We will stand before God being holy, righteous and pure.
Thank you, Jesus, only You can make me clean of all dirt. Please, do it! Although I need to think, but I am Yours. Because you are good to me. Please cleanse me and make me the person who You wants me to be. I entrust myself to You.

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