Devotions — 2016.01.01
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.
Psalm 23, 4
Somebody counted once: there is 365 times mentioned "Don’t be afraid!" in the Bible. God says for every day newly: Don’t be afraid! I am with you.
There are so many things of which one can be afraid. Is there enough money for this month? Will there be a bomb attack? Will children come healthy back from school? Will the car keep up? Will be the wash machine all right? We can be afraid of everything and be taken in again and again. We deal with these thoughts: maybe…???
The enemy knows us and makes our live hard with these thoughts. Than we are so busy with our fears that we can’t go our way as joyful, free, reliant Christians.
God knows us as well. That’s why HE says 365 times for every day in a year: Don’t be afraid! Don’t let anything make yourself nervous! I am there, I stand by your side and keep My hand above you.
When there is something difficult before us HE is there as well. Don’t be afraid! I am with you and help you through. We are winners in every situation when we are together with Him. Let us not be afraid but go courageously forward! HE is there!
Some people are afraid of certain things because of their experience, e.g. going by elevator. God wants to reveal the reason of the fear and heal. And HE wants to take our hand and slowly, step by step to go forward. HE wants to take away our fear because HE wants us to be joyful and free.
The love of God drives out all the fear and fright. Just when I am fully hidden in Him I feel myself secure and have no fear, even in strongest storm. So I can calm my heart in His presence. Songs of praise drive out every fear. Our faith is the victory that has overcome the world!
Thank you, Jesus, You are with me! I can go my way peacefully, free and joyfully in Your hands. I trust You and fear no evil! And even if something would happen today, I know that You are the Lord over it and You will not leave me alone for sure. You love me!
Bible reading today: Psalm 103