Finally quiet – 2019.05.23

Finally quiet – 2019.05.23

Jesus Christ says:
Come to me, all you who are troubled and have heavy burdens to bear. I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Very small children are completely carefree. They know no worries, no problems, no guilt …. they are simply happy, carefree and cheerful. They are as we would like them to be! But the hard realities of life have shaped us and taken away our light-heartedness.
You know, the heart is in a bag, the pericardium, medical: the pericardium. In small children, the heart is clean and pure, and the bag is empty. But then come the so-called realities: little lies, bad words and thoughts …. and with every little thing there is a little stone in this pericardium. For larger things, of course, a larger stone. Now you understand why an adult is no longer “carefree”, because his pericardium is quite full and heavy. He presses us down. There is no cheerfulness any more. Everyone sighs under his load and wants to push it towards others, but that is not possible. Joy, peace, quiet, security, lightness and light-heartedness no longer exist.
And here comes Jesus: “Give me your burden! I want to carry it for you. I will pay for it on the cross and you will be carefree and find peace with me.
It is not impossible for Him to perform a “heart operation” and remove all the small and large stones from the pericardium. Perhaps you have become accustomed to the burden and you are no longer aware of it. But wait and see how cheerful and light you become when the load is finally gone! How peace envelops you and becomes peace with God! How the joy comes over you and you start singing Christmas carols about Jesus in summer! Glorious, this relief and liberation!!

Thank You Jesus! All revolutions have not managed to make people happy. No church can do that. But You can! You have taken away my burden and made me happy! Thank You, You are the Lord of my life!

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