Healing for the Land – 20520.04.01
If my people, who are called by my name,
will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face
and turn from their wicked way,
then I will hear from heaven,
and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
I heard from people that they do not want to make business with Christians because they cheat and lie best. The adultery- and the divorce rate among them is not better than the national average. Even when they live quite well as employees in Christian aid organisation, they are still registered with social welfare offices. They promise a lot but keep little. As Christians they are not better bosses for their collegues. They exploit them more than in secular companies.
It is true, lies, cheating, theft, false promises, oaths, egoism, adultery … that all you will find in Christian communities as well – a disaster for the country that wants to be a Christian nation.
And what is when we check ourselves? Are we then in a good position? It depends on the examiner! One often sees oneself as a super Christian, but when the Holy Spirit checks us we discover ourselves as failures and sinners.
Therefore, please forgive, if I owe any of you anything. Please forgive where I made false promises, where I did not tell the whole truth. Please forgive me. I say so with all my heart. I bow before God and beg for forgiveness, ask Him to change my life, especially free me from selfishness, pride, stubbornness. Forgive me Lord, help me!
Our country needs healing. It has badly sinned. Our Christianity needs repentance otherwise it will go astray. It has to move away from sheer piety to the living Jesus Christ. Only then prayers are answered, only then healing can come in Christian communities and in the whole nation. Let us pray for that but with a humble heart, that also needs forgiveness.
Oh Jesus, You see the misery in our country. Please, bring healing! Forgive me where I did wrong. Yes, I need healing and Your sanctification. Please help me, Lord, and our country.