Jesus in Me – 2016.06.11
With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.
2 Thessalonians 1, 11
…. so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ (v.12).
How great, that it is all grace! I must make myself available for him and listen to His Word. But He put His word into effect on me and in me. I cannot give peace to my heart. I cannot exert myself, in order to make myself happy. I cannot accomplish many good works or develop faith. He must make everything.
It is nice and relaxing that we do it together: He in me and I in him. Then his image develops in me and the people can see Jesus through me. But it is his merit, not mine! I must always be modest and fully dependent upon Him. I must seek Him in silence in the morning, noon and night, while walking, while driving, at work and everywhere and always. Then He does His part to: He talks to me, guides me, puts his Spirit in me, gives me faith in certain things, gives me peace in the stress and joy at work. He puts in me forgiveness for myself and for my enemies. Yes, Jesus can be realized in me.
What I want more is that Jesus is glorified in me and I go on the journey of faith! What I want more is that Jesus once says to me: Well done! How I would like to work for Jesus and honor Him through my life!
All this is done by the grace of God. He realized His word in and to me.
Thank You, Jesus, that You live in me. By Your grace my life is similar to Yours. I can make an effort, but it is always difficult. How great it is, when we are together in silence, You work with me and make true Your Word. How good, it is all grace!
Bible Reading Today: Philemon Letter 1, 1 – 25