Jesus is the Winner
I praise you, Lord, because you have saved me
and kept my enemies from gloating over me.
I cried to you for help, O Lord my God,
and you healed me;
you kept me from the grave.
I was on my way to the depths below,
but you restored my life.
Sing praise to the Lord,
all his faithful people!
Remember what the Holy One has done,
and give him thanks!
His anger lasts only a moment
his goodness for a lifetime.
Tears may flow in the night,
but joy comes in the morning.
Psalms 30, 1-5
Hallelujah, our God is the winner! He has the final say, He is the king of the powerful, and He always has the last word, He rules over us!
This morning I remembered how many times God has saved me, and how often He has already intervened in the business of others. So what are my current problems? I know He can solve them immediately. And I can be patient, if He does not do it immediately. He is the Lord, He chooses. And I can trust Him because He is kind to me.
Even from the flock of the doomed persons He has drawn me and others. Even death is not stronger than our Lord Jesus.
How many times did we lay sick in our bed and had no hope. But He has healed us! He has given new hope and a new vocation.
How often did enemies beset and almost overwhelmed me. But He gave liberation, pulled me out of distress and put me on a safe rock. He is my mighty protection!
If I count it all, one great deed of God after the other, then I start to praise and extol God. My heart is happy and joyful, because He is my mighty helper.
Yes, Father, I will praise You, Your goodness and mercy! You’re standing on my life and I’m safe and sound with You. How good that You exist! I can entrust You my life and everything else. I do not need to make any unnecessary worries anymore. No, I want to be free to praise You!