My sheep
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never die. No one can snatch them away from me.
John 10, 27f
Sheep know their shepherd. You can wear the clothes of a shepherd and exactly look like the shepherd. The sheep notice it anyway and do not follow you, but flee for fear. So it is with Jesus’ flock. His sheep know their shepherd. And the good shepherd knows each of His sheep; He calls them by name and knows all their peculiarities. Although when a sheep once goes his own way stubbornly and thinks: No one can see me anyway! – The shepherd still bears it in mind and always knows where it is. It might think: I have lost my way and got astray, now it’s night and no one is there! – Then the Good Shepherd is not far. A sheep might be in a difficult situation – Then He promises: they shall never perish, and no one can snatch them away from me. Even in the darkest hour, when it comes to an end, the good shepherd is there and carries His lambs right into His kingdom. He gives them eternal life; they will never die.
Thank You, Jesus, You are my good shepherd. You care for me; You know me and all my quirks. You constantly care for me and You supply me with all that is necessary. No one can snatch me from Your strong, loving hand.