The enemy – 2015.03.18
When you enter the land of the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practise divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is destestable to the Lord…
Deuteronomy 18: 9 – 12
God has prepared for us only good things, a promised land in which everything we need is offered in abundance: healing for the soal, comfort for the wounded heart, fulfilled desire, infinite joy – all in His Land. Already now one can have a taste of His Kingdom.
It is the devil who tries to keep us away from the blessings of God by leading us astray with slinky nice things. So he attracts our intention by predicting our future with horoscopes and dreams. He lures us by offering power over other people through witchcraft, by giving us knowledge of magic secret teachings. He constantly is deceiving. There are more devil worshipers than we we may expect. Even sacrifices of children are happening. No! the devil is really not the friend of man. Be careful, once he has done you a favor you become dependant on him. He torture and manipulate you. He does everything to stop you if you seek God. He fools you with lies. He is a master of torture.
Everything the devil promises is presented much better by God in a incomparable pure way out of the treasures of heaven. We should contact Him when we have problems and urgent questions. He always has an answer. If we are under pressure God is our protection. When we worship Him we receive piece and not violence. He is the source of joy and not fear. In Him we are free, are not bound anymore, lying spirits fade away. He is the answer which redeems us from the devils slavery.
s trap we have the authority to ask for deliverance, so that the enemy has no rigth to torment us any longer. We also could ask God for forgiveness of the sins of our ancestors which might burden us still today. In any case Jesus is the Winner. He sets free. He wants to give wisdom and knowledge how to free us from bondages. Let us go to Him and seek His Face!
So let us say <strong>no</strong> to any approach of the enemy. And in case we, or our parents, or grandparents should have blundered in a devil
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form!
Colossians 2:9
Thank you, Jesus, You ripped me out of the darkness und lead me into Your Kingdom. You are my King and Lord. You care about me and protect me against all evil. You offer forgiveness and redemption. You are the Almighty. I place myself under Your Protection.
Bible reading today: 1. Petrus 4: 12-19