The loving eyes of Jesus – 2015.09.06
The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.
Luke 22:61
Jesus had been captured and was brought up to a cross-examination at night. The guardians mocked and beat Him. Peter also was present in the court-yard, however, remained silent. 3 times somebody tried to identify him as one of Jesus desciples but he always denied: I do not know Him! Then, when the rooster crowed it came back to him: Jesus had predicted that he will deny 3 times. How indignantly he had rejected it. Indeed he wanted to protect Jesus with his sword when the arrest took place. And now? He has miserably denied His beloved Lord.
When the rooster crowed Jesus looked straight at Peter. This look at him Peter never would forget! It seemed as if Jesus could see right through him and could notice everything what was going on inside him. Jesus looked at him right into the depth of his heart. And what did He see?
At the sight of Jesus Peter understood the love and the devotion He has had for him. Jesus suffered in his place! Actually he would have earned this place! The eyes of Jesus said: For you! Love could not be greater! This is the prove of Gods love for us people: He sacrified Himself for us so that we have not to bear the penalty. He was tortured, mocked, flogged, unjustly condemned through false witnesses, crucified with a crown of thorns. In the heat He had no water to drink, the tongue stuck to the palate. By hanging on the cross His limbs were dislocated. He suffered everything you can only suffer.
s throne. I will prepare dwelling places for you in heaven and will wait for you for I love you. You are worth it.
Did <strong>you</strong> see the Lord hanging on the cross? Did you see how He turned His head to you and looked at you? Do you know this look of Jesus? I do it for you for I love you so! I want you to remain without penalty before God. I want to release you through my death. I want to suffer death for you and defeat same so that death cannot touch you anymore. You should stay with me forever! I want to be your Advocate before God
Thank you, Jesus, for your unspeakable love! Nothing can separate me from Your love: You are faithful, patient, full of hope and forgiveness, full of grace and mercy. Oh, when I see you hanging on the cross my heart melts with gratitude and love. How people cannot love You!
Bible reading today – Psalm 119: 145 – 176