“The matter about anger” – 2017.03.26
In your anger do not sin.
Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,
and do not give the devil a foothold.
Ephesians 4: 26+27
Was the above mentioned postulation also obligatory for Jesus when He lived on earth? And is this demand also actual for Him today in Heaven?
Yes! When Jesus asks us to do something He always has practised it first. When He expects us to forgive 7 x 70 He surely has done it perfectly before. And of course He is the first who will not let go down the sun while He is still angry. At the end of the day He forgives and awaits that we too will cleanse our relationship with Him. Jesus is aware about our situation: When we get angry worst thoughts will arise. And if we do not take care bad deeds will follow.
There is also a holy anger that can seize us. When Jesus saw the dealers and the money changers in the temple courts he took a whip and drove them all out. However, He never is angry forever. He rather forgives and helps in leading us out of a sinful life.
If we are angry we first should go to Jesus to talk with Him. He will understand our anger and will turn it to reconciliation. We then will look at the matter with the eyes of Jesus and will forgive the adversary. We always should forgive in the name of Jesus whether we are annoyed rightly or not.
If we do not forgive and remain angry then our heart gives room to the devil. He is the father of lies, likes hate and revenge. His is a destroyer and a slanderer, a killer from the very beginning. Please be aware how terribly he can damage your heart: He creates dissastisfaction, joylessness, rage, and revenge thoughts… all attitudes which are not pleasing God. He will wait until we return to Him. We should get our emotions in control quickly and give no foothold to the devil who only brings death!
Even if it is hard for us in the beginning we should forgive and go with Jesus whose peace will surround us. At least when we go to sleep we should forgive, or pray for forgiveness, should be reconciled. Especially in marriage this is important. Or will you offer the devil an entry in your marriage? This would soon lead into a divorce. No, we rather should listen to Jesus, Prince of Peace , Master of Joy who gives life!
Lord, be at my side when I get angry. Often I have problems to forgive and to be reconciled. Jesus, You have demonstrated how to do it. I will follow you! With your help I will not let go down the sun while I am still angry. I want You, full life, peace and Your infinite joy.