The Peace of God – 2015.07.27
Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
God has called us for peace! That’s His goal with us, that we have peace in our hearts, peace with others and peace with God. This heavenly peace we cannot produce ourself, but the Spirit of God puts it in our hearts. Peace is way more than an armistice. There is total harmony, which is described in Psalm 23: The resting place by the waters, the set table in the presence of my enemies, the abundantly filled cup, protection and support in the dark valley, being on the right track and living in the house of the Lord for all time. This peace no one can take of us, only we ourselves can destroy this peace, for example, by giving worries too much space. We can practice it to keep this communion with Jesus, by taking the biblical advice to our heart and live according to it. Contemplate the good, as we have learned from the Bible, and to live in communion with Jesus. Then the God of peace will be with us.
Thank you, Jesus, You have made peace! Now my heart can rest in You! You surround me with Your peace, with joy and gladness, and hold Your gentle hand upon me. Of whom shall I fear, when You’re there? Please give me more of Your heavenly peace! You’re the Prince of Peace and I will live my life for You!
Bible reading today: Psalm 23