The sacrifice and love of God – 2015.10.23
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
Romans 8:32
When I close my eyes, I can see Jesus hanging at the cross. I can see large nails been pounded into His hands. A spear been pushed into His side. A plate been placed mockingly over His head: King of the Jews. A crown of thorns been pressed on His head, He’s been spat at and whipped. How they laughed. Long nails protruding from His feet and He had to lean on them. Him been burned by the sun burned and His mouth drying up. O son of God, so much pain and suffering you had to endure for me! And You looked at me and said: for you! For your family! For your people! With my sacrifice I will pay ransom fro you. You should belong to Me. You shall be children of the mighty God! For You! – I see His hand. At the place, where the nail was, is a name written: For Frank. And on the other hand your name is written: For you! Every time Jesus looks at His hands he looks at your and my name; he can never forget us!
To ransom us, He had to endure so much injustice and pain, therefor we must be very dear to Him. Compared to this, small things of daily life seem even smaller. A piece of bread, a job, or fine clothing – He who gave His life for us, will give us those as well. He will provide everything we need, because He already paid a grade price for us.
Everything Jesus did and will do for us, He did because of love and mercy. His sacrifice wasn’t a calculating one, but one of love – a sacrifice of such great love. I can hardly grasp or understand the extent of his love. But one thing I know for sure, when He made such a sacrifice for me and when He is so full of love for me, I don’t have to worry about anything – of cause He will take care of me.
His great love is the reason I love Him. He is an awesome Lord who takes care for His people. How could I not love Him?
Thank You Jesus! From all my heart, thank You! I can’t even start to understand why You got yourself nailed to the cross in my position. But I will accept it and believe you paid ransom for me! I belong to You! Now, I’m your child! In all matters I can rely on You. You are the God who loves me!
Bible reading today: Romans 8:28-39